Saturday, January 29, 2011


Gazing out the window
With my chin against my fist
Watching Mother Nature and
The beauty I have missed

Since summer I've been busy
My head bowed low in fear
Breast cancer and its treatments
Are like fighting with a bear

The danger and the pain
When you get a swat or bite
Then praying for survival
With this rival full of might


Two biopsies, three surgeries
Plus chemotherapy
Dissections and infections
Then balding vanity

Next comes radiation
Will my skin survive or burn?
This is information that I
Wish I did not learn

Come Summer I'll have
Hair again
My independence too
I'll greet our Mother Nature
With vitality anew

The future is uncertain
I know this more than ever
I never will forget this strife
I'll be my best forever


  1. Sandy, Just beautiful. Thanks for expressing your experience in poetry.


  2. Thanks so much, Jimmy. I appreciate the feedback.
