Thursday, January 14, 2010

Swiss Army Super-Tool Thingy

In my daily professional life, I find myself using a number of different gizmos and gadgets to get the job--or jobs--done. For the third assignment in the book, Caffeine for the Creative Mind, Mumaw and Oldfield want the reader to invent their own "Professional Survival Swiss Army ... 'Thing.'" I'd try to draw a picture on Paint, but you remember my earlier attempt?

First off, my specialty tool will need wheels and a tow-hitch. Since I spend my days jumping from writing, to designing and sewing, to crafting, to pressing, displaying and photographing vintage and handmade items, my handy-dandy all purpose tool will likely weigh a ton. Making it tow-able will allow me to cart it wherever I go--scouting for vintage items, mailing my sold pieces, visiting family and friends' homes--you get the idea.

To start with, I'll need my sewing machine, dress form, tape measure, scissors, an iron and an ironing board. Also, roller skates would be very helpful for rushing from the dining room table where I cut fabric to the sewing room. On second thought, skates might be dangerous, because I often trip over the dogs as they accompany me to and from my destinations.

Speaking of dogs, I'll need a remote for the door so they can go out and in as needed, and maybe some biscuits or peanut butter-laced Kongs to keep them busy whle I concentrate. They simply don't understand that mommy's hands and eyes are made for other things besides petting, feeding, and casting adoring glances.

The next contraption on my Thingy (Is it just me or does that sound a little dirty?) is a bottomless cup with a built-in heater. With this, I could have an endless supply of tea and not have to be shocked and repulsed whenever I take a swig of the cold, over-brewed stuff.

Of course, I'll need my computer--laptop or PC. It doesn't matter. Though I tend to prefer the PC for all my fabulous forays into writing, a laptop will do in a pinch. And I'll need a dictionary and thesaurus. I know I can use the online versions of these tools, but for some reason, I abhor having to leave the page I'm working on to reference a word. I know it's a bit strange, but we all have our idiosyncrasies, right? Right?

Likewise, the computer enables me to reference and date vintage clothing. For that activity, I also need a lot of the sewing supplies listed above, plus my trusty digital camera. Oh, and the camera charger and usb cord!

My whatchamacallit will be equipped with a robot for cooking and cleaning so I won't have to. Paper towels, a glue stick, E6000 and a glue gun, buttons, ribbons, zippers and the all-important polyester batting are also necessities. After all, one never knows when the need for stuffing will arise, does one?

So there you have it. Another strange, yet oddly interesting (for me, anyway) exercise in creativity. I'm sure I've left off some extremely important gadgets from my Swiss Army Super-Tool Thingy, but that's it for now.

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